A unique resource for well-annotated cancer clinical trial biospecimens to enable biomarker discovery and improve cancer treatment.

The National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN) Biospecimen Banks

Who We Are

The National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN) Biospecimen Banks (NCTN Biobanks) receive, store, and distribute human biospecimens collected on NCTN clinical trials. NCTN Biobanks provide cancer researchers with quality, well-annotated biospecimens with associated clinical information. Requests for NCTN Biospecimens from completed NCTN clinical trials may be submitted by investigators in the research community, not only members of the NCTN Groups.

About the NCTN Biobanks

THE NCTN Biobanks receive, store, and distribute biospecimens for the five NCTN Groups as well as the Canadian Cancer Trials Group (CCTG):

Logo of NRG Oncology
Logo of Children's Oncology Group
Logo of Alliance
Logo of SWOG
Canadian Cancer Trial Groups

Collectively, the NCTN Biobanks house solid tumor biospecimens from all organ types, as well as hematological malignancies.

Biospecimen types available include, but are not limited to:

  1. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue
  2. Fresh frozen tissue
  3. Whole blood, serum, plasma, white blood cells, bone marrow and cells
  4. Nucleic acids
  5. Urine, stool
  6. Digital Images from H&E or IHC stained slides


Notable publications illustrating the important scientific contributions resulting from the use of NCTN Biobank resources.

How to Access Biospecimens

NCTN Catalog

The NCTN Biospecimen Catalog provides a searchable, comprehensive listing of NCTN Trial Biospecimens that may be available for secondary use in correlative science studies.

Requests for biospecimens are made either through the NCTN Biospecimen Navigator or directly from the corresponding NCTN Group Bank, depending upon the specific trial. In both instances, investigators will be provided with a feasibility assessment and cost estimate upon review of the request.

NCTN biospecimens are available to investigators from the cancer research community based on a review and approval by the NCTN Core Correlative Sciences Committee (NCTN-CCSC).

NCTN Catalog search results will direct you to the appropriate resource to obtain further details and submit a specific request.

Access the NCTN Catalog

Note: If requesting biospecimens from more than one trial and at least one trial is in NCTN Navigator, then the entire request must be submitted through NCTN Navigator.

Additional Resources